During the formation of any business, the selection of the proper entity for that business is a critical piece of the process and can have significant implications on the life of that business. It is important that you make the right choices regarding business ownership, taxation, business succession planning and other events that may arise in the future. An experienced business entity attorney can help you make the right first step, call us at 888-959-8508 or email us for more information.

Business Entity Selection Attorneys in Irvine & Riverside

The business and commercial law attorneys at Lauby, Mankin & Lauby LLP have helped business owners in Southern California successfully start their businesses and make responsible choices about entity selection. In order to ensure that you are selecting the right entity for your circumstances, let us review the facts and help you explore your options: email us or call 888-959-8508 for immediate help.

Selecting a Business Entity

There are many aspects to be concerned with during the business formation process. Deciding what structure will meet your immediate and long-term needs is not always easy, and talking with an experienced lawyer can ease some of the stress and confusion of entity selection. Our firm has worked with businesses of all types, including:
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
  • Partnerships
  • Limited company ownership
  • C-corporations
  • S-corporations
  • Sole proprietorships
After the entity selection process, our firm can also help you with business formation issues of employment, commercial real estate, contract law and other aspects that you may encounter throughout the life of your business.

Contact a Business Law Lawyer in Riverside or Irvine Today!

Talk to one of our experienced business formation lawyers by contacting one of our offices in Southern California. Call our toll-free phone number at 888-959-8508 or email us to schedule a consultation about your entity selection, and let our firm handle everything from startup to expansion.

How Can We Help?

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